We take care of the fitting of various types of wall cladding for both new-build and renovation projects.
We install high-quality wall cladding in different shapes and colours for business premises, office spaces, biogas plants, water purification plants, as well as for industrial, agricultural and residential buildings.
This is an excellent option for agricultural buildings, warehouses and biogas plants, as well as for industrial or residential applications.
We offer you a wide range of panels in various shapes and colours, with different types of coatings.
This is an excellent option for industrial, agricultural and business premises, but equally for warehouses, retail stores, biogas plants, hotels and residential buildings.
We offer you a wide range of insulated panels in various shapes and colours, with different types of coatings.
We also install panels that are ideal for providing thermal insulation of spaces with an aggressive indoor climate, as well as panels that offer high fire-resistance, absorption and noise reduction. These panels have a foam core that does not contain harmful CFC-HCFC compounds.
Bovendien plaatsen wij ook panelen die uitermate geschikt zijn om omgevingen met een agressief binnenklimaat thermisch te isoleren alsook platen die een grote brandweerstand, absorptie en geluidsreductie behalen. Deze panelen hebben een schuimkern zonder schadelijke CFC-HCFC verbindingen.